Hi. I’m Awkward

So I’m wasting my life watching Messy Mondays videos (if you don’t know who they are, go check out their website — http://www.blimeycow.com/).

I’ve been watching them for a very long time.

Maybe years.

Probably years.

Anyway, I remembered a little story that I’m hoping will make you smile and bring a little bit of confidence and self-assurance to your life. May you never be as strange as I am. Because I will most likely get jealous depending on your style of awkward.

If I can have friends, anyone can have friends.

While I was at that two-week debate camp that I referenced to a couple of posts ago, three girls and I decided to do a photoshoot. Fun, right? I was fixing this one girl’s hair and this dude walked by (I’m pretty sure he worked on-campus – he might have been in his early to mid-twenties) and I blurted out, “I like your hair! …But I’m not going to touch it.”

And I’m pretty sure his train of thought went from, “aw, what a sweet girl” to “what a creeper. I need to get away,” in maybe 0.2 seconds.

He just kind of went, “Thanks! …Uh, thanks. Let’s, uh, keep it that way.”

And he scurried away.

Thanks for letting me waste a minute of your time, lovely. 🙂

Here are some pictures from the shoot.

Oh, wait. I just saw that Robin Williams just died. I’m crushed. Let’s all take a moment to reflect on this man’s talent and I’ll be a Catholic and pray his soul gets to Heaven.

Okay, now I feel a bit bad for continuing, but, well… here we go. Just a side note: I usually look like an idiot. I’m being partially selective with the pix I’m posting here for obvious reasons. 😛 Never mind. I’m going all out. Sorry. You get to see my true-ish-self.




Creeper Status: Level: Me







As a friend once said: "What would America do without Rana to hold up our national monuments??"

As a friend once said: “What would America do without Rana to hold up our national monuments??”

We did a video to earn points. Fashion video. In the words of a friend, "Girl be like: I did my own makeup." I, happily, did not for this picture. My roommate did.

We did a video to earn points. Fashion video. In the words of a friend, “Girl be like: I did my own makeup.” I, happily, did not for this picture. My roommate did.

God bless!


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