//About Me

| 18 | Artist | Cook | Introvert | Roman Catholic | Skeptical | Snarky | Writer |





I’m the middle child out of three (older brother, younger sister), am happily single with a non-reciprocated love for food + (fictional) [dead] people, and will forever use the Oxford Comma.

I live in the southeast U.S. of A. where I spent most of my time at the kitchen table doing school work (that’s what you need to think anyway) and hiding from the sun (red hair, remember?).

Stick around for… well, anything + everything!


Rana || xoxo

2 thoughts on “//About Me

  1. I’ve seen your comments on Mirriam Neal’s blog, and decided to take a look at yours. It’s really nice to find in the blogging world a fellow writer who is Catholic and the same age as I am! You have a lovely blog, and you will hopefully see me around;)

    Liked by 1 person

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